Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Greek Goddess Athena, Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom

Greek Goddess Athena, Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom She summarizes a large number of the Greeks blessings to Western culture, from reasoning to olive oil to the Parthenon. Athena, little girl of Zeus, joined the Olympians in an emotional way and figured in many establishing fantasies, remembering taking a functioning part for the Trojan War. She was the benefactor of the city of Athens; its notorious Parthenon was her place of worship. Furthermore, as the goddess of intelligence, the procedure of war, and expressions of the human experience and artworks (agribusiness, route, turning, weaving, and embroidery), she was one of the most significant divine beings to the antiquated Greeks. The Birth of Athena Athena is said to have risen full fledged from the head of Zeus, however there is a backstory. One of Zeus numerous loves was an Oceanid named Metis. At the point when she got pregnant, the King of Gods recalled the peril he presented to his own dad, Cronos, and thus, how Cronos managed his dad Ouranos. Careful about proceeding with the pattern of patricide, Zeus gulped his darling. However, Metis, in the murkiness of Zeus inside, kept on conveying her kid. After some time, the King of Gods caught a regal cerebral pain. Calling upon the metal forger god Hephaestus (some mythsâ say it was Prometheus), Zeus asked that his head be part open, whereupon sprang dark peered toward Athena in her wonder. Fantasies About Athena Befitting the supporter of one of Hellas most noteworthy city-states, Greek goddess Athena shows up in numerous exemplary legends. Probably the most celebrated ones include: Athena and Arachne: Here, the Goddess of the Loom takes a talented yet bombastic human down a peg, and by changing Arachne into minuscule, eight-legged weaver, designs the arachnid. The Gorgon Medusa: Another story of Athenas vindictive side, the destiny of Medusa was fixed when this delightful priestess of Athena was charmed by Poseidon in the goddess own place of worship. Snakes for hair and a freezing look followed. The Contest for Athens: Once again pitting the dark looked at goddess against her uncle Poseidon, the challenge for the support of Athens was chosen for the god who gave the best blessing to the city. Poseidon delivered a great (salt water) spring, however astute Athena talented an olive tree-a wellspring of natural product, oil, and wood. She won. The Judgment of Paris: In the unenviable situation of making a decision about a stunner challenge between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, the Trojan Paris put his cash on the one Romans would call Venus. His prize: Helen of Troy, nã ©e Helen of Sparta, and the ill will of Athena, who might enthusiastically back the Greeks in the Trojan War. Athena Fact File Occupation: Goddess of Wisdom, Warcraft, Weaving, and Crafts Different Names: Pallas Athena, Athena Parthenos, and the Romans called her Minerva Qualities: Aegis-a shroud with the head of Medusa upon it, skewer, pomegranate, owl, protective cap. Athena is depicted as dim looked at (glaukos). Forces of Athena: Athena is the goddess of insight and artworks. She is the benefactor of Athens. Sources: Old hotspots for Athena include: Aeschylus, Apollodorus, Callimachus, Diodorus Siculus, Euripides, Hesiod, Homer, Nonnius, Pausanias, Sophocles and Strabo. A Son for a Virgin Goddess: Athena is a virgin goddess, however she has a child. Athena is credited with being part-mother of Erichthonius, a half-snake half-man animal, through an endeavored assault by Hephaestus, whose seed spilled on her leg. At the point when Athena cleared it off, it tumbled to earth (Gaia) who turned into the other part-mother. The Parthenon: The individuals of Athens assembled an extraordinary sanctuary for Athena on the acropolis, or high point, of the city. The sanctuary is known as the Parthenon. In it was a goliath gold and ivory sculpture of the goddess. During the yearly Panathenaia celebration, a parade was made to the sculpture and she was dressed in another outfit. More: Since Athena was conceived without a mother sprung from her dads head in a significant homicide preliminary, she concluded that the job of the mother was less basic in creation than the job of the dad. In particular, she favored the matricide Orestes, who had murdered his mom Clytemnestra after she had slaughtered her significant other and his dad Agamemnon.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Different Temperament Types

I have thought about how realizing my demeanor will help me in my own life? I wonder why I do certain things, and respond the way that I do. I accept the consequences of this personality study will give me understanding into a portion of those â€Å"whys†. This investigation with the four distinctive demeanor types will give a fundamental explanation behind my practices. I will attempt to utilize this data to not utilize the negative practices, which emerge from my specific personality type. At the point when I took the character test in the Temperament Sorter I was named a Guardian. This quality is portrayed by solid administrative and authoritative abilities, steadfastness and earnestness, being practical and moderate. The Keirsey site depicts Guardians as the â€Å"cornerstone of society† and cases that they make up 40 to 45 percent of the populace. It features that the best quality in the Guardian characteristic is my strategic insight. It further notices that, my character directs that when given a significant decision between two strategies, I will pick the one I am more acquainted with as opposed to something new (the experience over experimentation guideline). A model is the point at which I need to take my kids for a trip, while another spot will bring greater fervor and a more current learning experience; I will in general pick the spots I am increasingly acquainted with. I am exceptionally wary about change, and understanding this I will put forth a solid attempt to permit myself to wander out more and in doing so carry all the more energizing encounters to the lives of my kids too. Another huge conduct is identified with my temperament’s regard for rules and authority. Along these lines, when my multi year old child made his own Halloween adornments which will in general be fairly startling for different neighbors, and I got some somewhat harsh remarks, I promptly disclosed this to my child, and put forth an attempt to expel the terrifying improvements and spot them inside the house, and just let the more cheerful Halloween beautifications remain. Understanding my solid confidence in rules, I will additionally guarantee that what is asked of me and my youngsters is likewise reasonable in our perspective. Likewise, since Guardians are intense about their obligations and duties the third significant conduct that can be said about me is my need to finish an undertaking when called upon. In this way during my little girls support raiser at school, despite the fact that I was approached to do many a minute ago demands, since I realized this is significant for her school, I attempted to complete things as well as could be expected, despite the fact that I set an immense worry upon myself. In conclusion my need to follow calendars, and cutoff times that is frequently an extraordinary characteristic in associations at home can regularly prompt contact. It is significant for me to understand this disadvantage, and permit greater adaptability. I accept in the event that I can do this, I will support myself, and my family be progressively loose. As my mom consistently says â€Å"what will occur if your child doesn’t finish his schoolwork, Friday night, he can do it Saturday or Sunday, and still feel he has had some opportunity! 2 After perusing my disposition, I think numerous about the attributes of a Guardian are like what might be viewed as a decent educator. For instance, Guardians will as a rule keep the principles and regard authority. This trademark sets a genuine model for the understudies. An instructor ought to consistently embrace a reasonable disposition, with regards to making any type of assessment, and should consistently be reasonable in their calling and keeping in mind that surveying understudies on their presentation, rather than individual affinities and likings. One of the principle qualities of Guardians is that they generally need reasonableness. Watchmen will in general discover fulfillment in accomplishing work that includes detail; a great educator ought to be careful and have an eye for detail. Indeed, a muddled individual would discover showing unacceptable and unfulfilling. All around considered plans and projects for instructing will help the efficiency of an educator. This personality is constantly worried about the government assistance of individuals and will take care of the physical needs of others, which is perfect in an educating circumstance. Gatekeepers hope to be considered responsible and to assume liability. They joyfully shoulder the heap that they realize that needs will generally be finished. An educator ought to be committed towards their work. They ought not kill time in the study hall and sit tight for the school ringer to ring. Rather, taking out time and going the additional mile for the understudies is the thing that makes a perfect instructor. A decent educator must have great time the board aptitudes and consistently esteem the significance of time, this will assist the understudies with getting sorted out and further upgrade their learning by them figuring out how to all the more likely deal with their time. Gatekeepers can have a ton of fun, however are very genuine about their obligations duties. An instructor who can mess around with their understudies, yet to stay genuine about obligations so the understudies can both unwind and appreciate the educator, yet likewise have regard is a sign of an extraordinary educator! 3 Research shows that shows that decency of fit between your youngster's demeanor and your child rearing style is significant for solid social and enthusiastic turn of events. Contrasts in kid demeanor require contrasts in parental dealing with to accomplish a solid match. For this to happen in the wake of perusing my personality I need to coordinate My requests or desires with what my youngster can do, given my kid's disposition, age and capacities. I would now begin by finding out about my youngster's demeanor too. In the event that I can comprehend my youngster's demeanor, at that point I can prepare to forestall potential issues. In the event that I can find out about their challenges, at that point I could utilize methodologies to make the particular circumstance simpler for everybody. For instance as a Guardian I put stock in peace, and now and again stress that regard for power, even basic feeling of good and bad, is being lost. My child as a Rational ignores any power or standard strategy that sits around idly and assets! I have attempted to pass on this message to him by showing him why rules are significant, and giving him explicit models, versus essentially requesting that he comply with the guidelines and not be permitted to address me in any structure. Since as a normal he confides in rationale, and requirements to comprehend why these principles are important. My little girl then again is a Guardian such as myself, and in light of the fact that she inclines toward equality, I take as much time as is needed acquainting new things with her. For instance when I take her to another class, in the event that I essentially request that her proceed to participate, and leave, it will end severely. I have attempted various exercises with her, and in the event that I sit with her and give her an opportunity to investigate to get settled, she is consistently glad, and connects wonderfully. Thinking about the tremendous contrasts between our personalities, and all the qualities and shortcomings we have, it is essential to figure out how every demeanor type will cooperate with one another and ideally consolidate characteristics to achieve â€Å"goodness of fit†.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Introducing the New EasyBib Add-in for Office 365 - EasyBib Blog

Introducing the New EasyBib Add-in for Office 365 - EasyBib Blog (2) Big news! The new EasyBib Add-in for Office 365 is now available, allowing you (or your students) to effortlessly cite as you write online. Best of all, this powerful new add-in is free! In Office 365, the EasyBib Add-in opens as a column to the right of a document and lets users automatically generate citations for books, articles, or websites. This means you can easily copy and paste a quote into the document, cite it with the add-in, and immediately start writing your paper without navigating between windows. More efficiency means more time. Depending on the source type, the EasyBib Add-in for Office 365 only needs the URL, title, author, ISBN, or keywords to begin the citation generation process. In addition, users can cite in MLA format, APA format, or Chicago style with just a few clicks. It really is that simple! Our digital bibliography is also dynamic when it comes to citation styles. You can start citing in MLA format, discover on your syllabus that it’s actually supposed to have APA citations, and go back and easily change the citation style. When you’re finally done with your paper, one click will insert your entire bibliography into the digital document. Voilà, and you’re done! The EasyBib Add-in is free and easy to download. Try it out today!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

An Examination of the Factors of Algerian Foreign Policy

It is commonly held that a compelling explanation of the foreign policy orientation of any country cannot be well understood without an examination of its determinants and guiding principles. A state’s foreign policy is also conditional on both domestic and external factors, which may change from time to time, thus forcing it to review its foreign policy to ensure that it operates in the best possible conditions to achieve its objectives. An examination of any country’s foreign policy must, if only by way of background, take into consideration the past, for history itself often determines the boundaries within which current politics evolve. In the case of Algeria, colonial history gave rise to many determinants which still exercise pertinent influences on Algerian foreign policy: factors whose origins lie in the past but which continue to impact contemporary policy. The roots of independent Algerias revolutionary foreign policy are commonly attributed to the impact of the extremely revolutionary national ideology acquired as a result of the sufferings endured by the Algerians in their resistance to and struggle against the French occupation and to the experience acquired by the Algerian diplomacy during wartime, as well as to the indifference of Western powers, particularly the United States, towards Algerias revolutionary war against the French (Stone 228 - 229). Algeria’s foreign policy constants include the right to decolonization, non-intervention in domestic affairsShow MoreRelatedPaper Exam 2 History Ib9416 Words   |  38 PagesN11/3/HISTX/BP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M MARKSCHEME November 2011 HISTORY ROUTE 2 Higher Level and Standard Level Paper 2 27 pages –2– N11/3/HISTX/BP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M This markscheme is confidential and for the exclusive use of examiners in this examination session. It is the property of the International Baccalaureate and must not be reproduced or distributed to any other person without the authorization of IB Cardiff. –3– N11/3/HISTX/BP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M Paper 2 markbands: The following bands provideRead MoreThe Human Rights Act and Anti-Terrorism in the Uk: One Great Leap Forward by Parliament, but Are the Courts Able to Slow the Steady Retreat That Has Followed?17827 Words   |  72 Pageseffects of the Human Rights Act 1998. The debate has continued into 2009, with discussion of potential repeal of the Act and/or the introduction of a Bill of Rights. This paper seeks to contribute to these debates, with a focus on one area of government policy which gained renewed emphasis shortly after the entry into force of the Human Rights Act, namely anti-terrorism. Legislative and other measures in the field of anti-terrorism regularly engage the provisions of the 1998 Act. It appears that the UKRead MoreThe Human Rights Act and Anti-Terrorism in the Uk: One Great Leap Forward by Parliament, but Are the Courts Able to Slow the Steady Retreat That Has Followed?17817 Words   |  72 Pageseffec ts of the Human Rights Act 1998. The debate has continued into 2009, with discussion of potential repeal of the Act and/or the introduction of a Bill of Rights. This paper seeks to contribute to these debates, with a focus on one area of government policy which gained renewed emphasis shortly after the entry into force of the Human Rights Act, namely anti-terrorism. Legislative and other measures in the field of anti-terrorism regularly engage the provisions of the 1998 Act. It appears that the UKRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagescolonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without serious attention to the processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Finding Government Contracting Opportunities

Once you are trained and registered as a government contractor, you can start looking for opportunities to do business with the federal government.FedBizOppsFedBizOpps is an essential resource. All federal contract solicitations (invitations to bid) with a value of $25,000 or more are published on FedBizOpps : Federal Business Opportunities. Government agencies publish the solicitations on FedBizOpps, and provide detailed information on how and when vendors should respond.GSA SchedulesThe largest government-wide contracts are established and administered by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) under its GSA Schedules Program. Government agencies order goods and services directly from GSA Schedule contractors or through the GSA Advantage! online shopping and ordering system. Businesses interested in becoming GSA Schedule contractors should review the Getting on the GSA Schedules page. GSA schedule vendors can submit their contract proposals, offers and modifications over the Internet via GSAs eOffer>Teaming and Subcontracting ArrangementsFrequently, businesses offering similar products or services will team up to bid on federal contract opportunities. Teaming with another business as a subcontractor is a great way to get your foot in the door in the federal government. The following resources provide guidance for creating teaming arrangements and subcontracting: GSA Schedule - Contractor Teaming ArrangementsUnder a Contractor Team Arrangement (CTA), two or more GSA Schedule contractors work together, by complementing each others capabilities, to offer a total solution to meet an ordering activitys requirement.GSA Subcontracting DirectoryUnder federal law, large business prime contractors receiving federal contracts valued at over $1 million for construction, $550,000 for all other contracts, are required to establish plans and goals for subcontracting with small business firms. This directory is a listing of GSA contractors with subcontracting plans and goals.SBA Subcontracting Network (SUB-Net)Prime contractors post subcontracting opportunities on SUB-Net. SUB-Net enables small businesses to identify and bid on opportunities. The kinds of opportunities it lists include solicitations or other notices, such as a search for teaming partners or subcontractors for future contracts. More Opportunities Business MatchmakingThis public-private partnership helps connect minority, women, veteran and disabled veteran owned firms with government contracting opportunities.Government Contracting Opportunities for Green BusinessesLaws and regulations now require federal agencies to purchase green (biobased, recycled content, and energy efficient) products. This guide helps vendors who supply green products compete for federal contracts.Selling Energy Efficient Products to the Federal GovernmentCompanies with energy-efficient products and services have special opportunities in the federal sector. This document highlights the major avenues to selling energy efficient products to the federal government.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critically Analysis Of Professional Development Education Essay Free Essays

Committed to a certain criterions of behavior is called the professionalism. This declaration is force us more productive as a whole. This professional cognition that people see you in your manus as a messenger of their Company, section, concern, community, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Critically Analysis Of Professional Development Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is Professional ‘s duty to act in the ways that brings recognition to themselves and more significantly to the organisation. If we think about the features of communicating. Communication is important in my definition of professionalism because, communicating is frequently the solution of all jobs. In order to be deafening in concern everyone has to be satisfied with their occupation and atmosphere. Communication gives workers the chance to province their sentiments, concerns, or encouragement. It helps people work more expeditiously as section, therefore doing concerns blossom. Many qualities make up a individual ‘s character. Equally good as Honesty is really of import in portraying good character because it helps a individual to derive the trust of others. In a good working environment people have to number on each other for many things, and being an honest individual makes it a batch easier. Once trust is lost, it is difficult to derive back. Assurance is a key to being a professional. A confident individual who has the ability to manage every thing is non afraid to take a hazard and at the terminal of the twenty-four hours do a batch of money. Some hazards need to be taken particularly when the wages outweighs the hazard. Confident people climb the societal ladder and adapt to what needs to be done in different countries. Assurance is frequently an property found in leaders and every company needs a leader. Respectfulness is something that should be nowadayss everyplace. Peoples should acknowledge their higher-ups and handle them with the extreme respectful manners. Respect should be given to your seniors, because you would anticipate the same has to be done from your juniors. Performance wise I am bit weak of as Cyril o houle ‘s demands as he is reference that in his public presentation features: cognition and accomplishment base pattern for the personal development which can besides depict in pattern of your profession: a adult male should be command of theoretical cognition which is come be experience ; to work out the jobs easy ; so usage of practical cognition which I learnt in my yesteryear by sing the easy and difficult undertakings in my past life or by the professional surveies ; in the terminal he said self enhancement harmonizing to the professional by take parting the cognition base activities. For case, reading books, listserv treatment groups, newspapers etc. Continue professional instruction besides heighten the sense of professional association and individuality. Basically we are following the demands: in other words every one is in race of demands, holding evolved over 10s of 1000s of old ages. So I would wish to demo the maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands motive theoretical account which is still valid in all over the universe since 1940’s-50 ‘s. This theoretical account explains how these demands motivate us all. It shows us how we must hold to fulfill each demand in bend, get downing with the first, which deals with the most obvious demands for endurance itself. If lower order demands of physical and emotional wellbeing are satisfied so we need to worry about with the higher order demands of influence and personal development. 3. Mention from old undertaking Harmonizing to my 1st undertaking of my assignment I had explained my formal professional development in the signifier of my analyzing in Bachelorette grade in calculating I did that in twelvemonth 2005, every bit good as in informal developments of my life. It helps me a batch in my life, to alter my life manner and nearing manner every bit good as how to manage the jobs more expeditiously and efficaciously. But I have n’t had any practical cognition in IT field but still I am seeking to acquire the higher degree of my professional abilities in information engineering which I will able to acquire by utilizing these techniques are below. Which I have found them in my Professional development category, these are really first-class for a professional ‘s if they will use on his practical life. Reflected surveies: What is contemplation or reflected surveies? As we know contemplation is an every twenty-four hours procedure as we interact with series of job which we face every twenty-four hours in our life. By snaping these inquiries: What went good? What did n’t? Why? How do I experience about it? It merely happens as interior feelings, ideas and emotions about something by and large. To undertake the jobs we think possibly we can take to make something otherwise, or non, as a consequence of reflecting, but contemplation is basically a sort of loose processing of ideas and feelings about an event. Any event or experience at all. Contemplation can be a more structured manner of processing in order to cover with jobs. This type of contemplation may take topographic point when we have had clip to be stand back from something, or speak it through, as in: as on one contemplation, I think you might be right ‘ , or on the 2nd ideas, I realised he was more disquieted than me. ‘ If we deliberately reflect as portion of the function, there would be a unsmooth patterned advance of ‘How did it travel? What went good? Why? What did n’t? Why? What next? ‘ Examples might be of a cricket manager reflecting after a lucifer, a instructor reflecting on a lesson, or merely a parent believing about how best to cover with a adolescent. In this sort of contemplation, the purpose is to look profoundly at what happened, kind out what is truly traveling on and research in deepness, in order to better, or alteration something for following clip. 3.2 Key Necessities of a contemplation 1. Understanding of an event: We do n’t ever larn from experiences. Contemplation is where we critically analyse our experiences. 2. Standing back technique: It could be hard while standing back but it is good technique with that you will gain or could acquire the hitter position of a state of affairs. 3. Repeat: Contemplation involves making one thing once more and once more to make a broader position of the incident to carry through accurately. Or it could assist you to look into the mistakes to change them in right manners. 4. Endeavoring after truth: we acknowledge the truth of any state of affairs by endeavoring or delving deeper in the incident. 5. Reviewing activities: Contemplation can convey greater lucidity, if you see the same incident in same for your chance for case, seeing events reflected in a mirror. This can assist at any portion of planning, reexamining activities. 6. Learning ability: Contemplation is about larning and life long learning and understanding in deepness of any thing. This includes deriving valuables knowledge that can non be merely ‘taught ‘ . 7. Decisions: Contemplation is as constructing blocks of any incident for pulling decisions in order develop an attack, scheme or motion. Contemplation is a type of believing associated with deep idea, aimed to accomplishing better understanding. It contains a mixture of some necessities: 3.3 Reflecting on your acquisition: It can assist you take an nonsubjective position of your advancement and see what is traveling good and what needs to be emend or needs to alter for the following clip it is about future planning. 3.4 Key inquiries to believe about as practising contemplation acquisition: 1. How did it travel? How do I experience about it? 2. What went good, or OK? Why? 3. What was non so good? Why? 4. How could this have been done otherwise? 5. What should I alter or work on for following clip? What would be the first measure? 3.5 Advantages of contemplation acquisition: You will experience that instantly so you would n’t travel in front you will wait until every thing is all right, it helps you see what went good and give you spotlight on the positive side of an action every bit good as the more negative side of the action or event. Helps you to develop a problem-solving attack, instead than stand back believing about troubles. For case, it is really helpful to reflect when you receive feedback of on your assignment, as a manner of utilizing the feedback to alter or develop your attack. 3. Decision Manner I have n’t learnt decently? What were the hindered in my life? Writing merely for me means I can compose freely, ideas and feelings are expressed in a relaxed and informal manner. I can do leaps in my thought and research connexions between ideas this composing a originative procedure that encourages me to develop new thoughts. Writing on a regular basis in a diary helps me to develop and experiment with my ain authorship manner. Puting thoughts into words is a important academic authorship accomplishment. It takes pattern to develop a manner you feel comfy with, and a diary is a good topographic point to take some hazards and seek out different ‘voices ‘ . You do n’t hold to compose a batch at one time, but it does assist to compose small and frequently, if possible every twenty-four hours. It helps your assurance to look back over a diary and see advancement, how you have dealt with troubles, and how your thoughts have moved on. Develop your composing manner ; composing on a regular basis in aid you develop and experiment with your ain authorship manner. Puting thoughts into words is a critical academic authorship accomplishment. It takes pattern to develop a manner you feel comfy with, and a general is a good topographic point to take some hazards and seek out different ways. You do n’t hold to compose a batch at one time, but it does assist to compose small and frequently, sooner every twenty-four hours. It helps your assurance to look back over authorship and see advancement, how you have dealt with troubles, and how your thoughts have moved on. It is really utile to hold a note of issues and questions you might desire to raise with a coach or other pupils. A general authorship is an of import record for look intoing back, and can assist you plan following stairss. How to cite Critically Analysis Of Professional Development Education Essay, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Performance Undergraduate Psychology Cohort-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Performance Undergraduate Psychology Cohort? Answer: Introduction In the recent time identifying the factors affecting the academic performance has become one of the most important research areas among the scholars. There are broadly two types of factors identified which affect the academic performance. Most of the researchers argue that the cognitive ability is one of the most important determinants(LAckerman Heggestad, 1997). However some researchers argue that only the cognitive ability alone cannot explain the difference in academic performance and the personal traits also plays an important role(Chamorro-Premuzic Furnham, 2006). It has been argued that the intellectual ability mostly defines about what the student can do, whereas on the other hand the personal traits show what the student will learn in future(Ackerman, Bowen, Beier, Kanfer, 2001). Personal traits refers so the difference in the individual thinking, characteristics, behaving and feelings. On the basis of the previous research it can be said most of the studies on personalities are in two major areas. First, differences in the individual characteristics such as; irritability or the sociability. Second the different parts of an individual which comes together. One of the most used models for personality traits is the Five Factor Model. To find the relationship between the personal traits, academic performance and intellectual ability many previous researchers have used different techniques and correlation analysis one of them. Researcher such as (Steel, 2007; Vermetten, Lodewijks, Vermunt, 2001) found that academic performance and personality traits are positively correlated. Similarly the relationship between intellectual ability and the academic performance has also been examined. Studies by (Klassen, 2004; Noftle Robins, 2007) supports the relationship betwe en the cognitive ability and the academic performance. Furthermore some scholars also studied the relationship between the intellectual ability and the personal traits conscientiousness. From the previous research no unique conclusion can be drawn about the relationship between the academic performance, intellectual ability and the personal traits. So this study has been conducted where the main aim is to study the relationship among these variables. Three different hypotheses will be tested on the basis of the collected data. Results Table 1. Means and standard deviations for the Big Five personality traits, Intellectual Ability (Ravens APM), and Academic Performance Mean Standard Deviation Openness 3.57 0.84 Conscientiousness 4.22 1.05 Extraversion 3.58 0.88 Agreeableness 4.89 0.68 Neuroticism 3.32 0.83 Intellectual Ability (Ravens APM) 7.27 2.76 Academic Performance 76.27 10.90 Notes: The maximum score for the Big Five personality traits is 6. The maximum for the APM is 12. Academic Performance is expressed as a percentage. The descriptive analysis of the variables shows that the average value for Ravens APM is 7.27 which have been used as a measure of intellectual ability. Similarly on an average student final grade is around 76 % which has beenused as the proxy of academic performance for the current research. To measure the personality trait conscientiousness fiver different parameters were used namely the OCEAN and descriptive statistics for OCEAN variables shows that average score for conscientiousness and agreeableness is better than the score of other parameters. Correlation Results Correlation shows whether two variables are related or not, and if they are related then it also shows the direction of the relationsip ;. The correlation value lies between +1 and -1. If The correlation value is near +1, then it indicates the strong positive correlation, whereas the correlation value near -1 indicates the strong negative correlation between the two variables. However correlation does not guarantee the causation. In this case the three different correlations were conducted and the results are shown below: Table 2 Results from correlation coefficients Variables Correlation coefficients p-value Intellectual ability and academic performance 0.25 0.02 Personality trait conscientiousness and academic performance 0.25 0.02 conscientiousness and intellectual ablility -0.11 0.27 As shown in the table above the correlation coefficient between academic performance and intellectual ability is 0.25, which indicates that the relationship between the variable is positive. However the variables are weakly related as the coefficient is only 0.25. In terms of significance p value is 0.02 which is less than 0.05, it can be said the correlation is statistically significant at 5 % significance level. Similarly correlation between personality trait conscientiousness and academic performance is also positive. Since the personality trait conscientiousness was measured in terms of five different parameters, average value was taken into consideration to calculate the correlation. The positive correlation indicates that if one variable increase another variable will also increase. However the low value of correlation coefficient shows that the relationship is weak. In terms of statistical significance the p value in this case is 0.02 which is less than 5 % so the correlation is significant at 5 % significance level. Lastly the correlation between the conscientiousness and intellectual ability is negative which suggest that the relation between these two variables is negative. The p value of 0.27 indicates that the correlation coefficient is not statistically significant. The scatter plot for the variables included in the correlation is shown below: Figure 1 Scatter plot between Intellectual ability and academic performance As the scatter plot shows the relations between the variables is upward sloping, however it is not strong. Similar results were shown by the correlation coefficient also. Figure 2 Scatter plot between personality trait conscientiousness In this case also academic performance and personality trait conscientiousness are positively related as the plot is upward sloping. Figure 3 Scatter plot between intellectual ability and conscientiounsness Finally the scatter plot between intellectual ability and the conscientiousness is downward sloping, indicating the negative relationship between the two variables. Discussion The main aim of this research is to study the the relationship between the between conscientiousness, , academic performance and intellectual ability. To find the relationship descriptive and the correlation analysis was performed. Results from the descriptive analysis shows that average score for neuroticism was the lowest among the Five Factor Model parameters whereas the score for agreeableness was highest. The average score of intellectual score was also higher than the half level mark. The academic performance indicator also shows that on an average student score 76.26 % marks. Similarly correlation results shows that with increase in the score of the personal traits the academic performance also increases as the correlation between those variable is positive and significant. As per the results teachers/professors will be able to improve the academic performance of the students if they focus on improving the score in the five factor model. This results are in line with the previous studies of (Klassen, 2004; Steel, 2007) who also found positive relationship. Similarly the positive correlation between the personality trait conscientiousness and the academic performance shows that personality factors also play an important role. This also proves that cognitive abilities are not the only factors affecting the academic performance. Similar results were found in the previous research by (Chamorro-Premuzic Furnham, 2006; LAckerman Heggestad, 1997). However one should note that in the current research the correlation is not so strong. Lastly the correlation resu lts between the conscientiousness and intellectual ability shows negative correlation indicating that increase in one variable will lead to decrease in the other variable. However the correlation coefficient is not statistically significant. The proposed hypothesis at the beginning of the research can be tested based on the correlation results. On the basis of the correlation coefficients and the p value it can be said that the results support the first two hypotheses. For the third hypothesis results only partially support the hypothesis. This is because the there is negative relationship between intellectual ability and conscientiousness; however the correlation coefficient is not significant. In addition results from the current research are in line with most of the results found by the previous scholars and these results can be used in the future research also. In addition the negative relationship between intellectual ability and conscientiousness need further analysis Also two of the correlation coefficients are statistically significant, so results can also be generalized for larger population. References Ackerman, P. L., Bowen, K. R., Beier, M. E., Kanfer, R. (2001). Determinants of individual differences and gender differences in knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 797825. Bors, D. A., Stokes, T. L. (1998). ). Ravens advanced progressive matrices: Norms for first-year university students and the development of a short form. 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