Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Grey s Anatomy Something Against You - 1372 Words

Grey’s Anatomy: Something Against You When it comes to television and movie films there are many of the same elements that may only be different by the slightest of things, but one thing that will always stay constant is when the show and/or film is created, the time period of the world is intertwined through the characters gender roles. When comparing a 1950’s show to today’s favorites, gender roles would be very different challenging and reinforcing stereotypes due to how women and men were portrayed in the world in the past and the present. Women especially, have been challenged in the working field for time and time again and in the show Grey’s Anatomy (season 12 episode 7), it is clear how the creators not only reinforced typical male and female stereotypes but challenged them in the same few moments of a scene as well. Grey’s Anatomy reinforces how women are thought to be, challenge the position a women holds, reinforces a dominant male stereo type, and challenges male stereotypes of emotion. Traditionally, when women are thought about, they are presented in a way of being the caregiver, or having a motherly appeal on situations and in this episode of Grey’s Anatomy the creators reinforced this opinion. Maggie, who is the head of Cardiothoracic Surgery, begins speaking to an elderly patient on her health issues involving her heart and what her plan of attack will be to get the women back on her feet. Maggie speaks in soft tones, explaining what she is saying in slowShow MoreRelatedGrey s Anatomy Created By Shonda Rhimes Essay1484 Words   |  6 PagesGrey’s Anatomy created by Shonda Rhimes in 2005 is a phenomenal American medical drama television series that takes you through the lives of surgeons at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital formally known as Seattle Grace Hospital. 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She is an abandoned mistress, a non-Greek, and a violator of the almost universal taboo against eating human flesh. That she takes on this role out of anguish over the loss of her own children does not, however, arouse sympathy. The lamiae later come to be more closely associated with vampires who return from the grave to suck the blood of theRead MorePolitics and The English Language: George Orwell ´s Literature3705 Words   |  15 Pagesthe reader that Orwell’s work is not only a zeitgeist of his context, but is becoming undeniably prevalent within our own. This is made clear throughout â€Å"Politics and the English Language†, where the egalitarian essayist breaks down the decaying anatomy of language and its influence on the minds of society. Such a perspective is ultimately driven by his evolving fear of totalitarianism, believing that only clear language can defend the proletariat fro m state control and oppression. Orwell begins

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis Of Howard Zinn s The United States - 1224 Words

â€Å"There is an underside to every age about which history does not often speak, because history is written from records left by the privileged.† ― Howard Zinn, A People s History of the United States Zinn once remarked, â€Å"Objectivity is impossible and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity† (Flynn). It is pretty clear to the reader that Zinn believes that socialism and Communism are systems that advance the cause of humanity, and that America is a reactionary, terrorist state; those beliefs form the foundation of his tendentious and error-ridden book. In A People’s History of the United States, greed is the explanation for every major historical event. As we see in Zinn’s book, just to name a few examples, the separation from Great Britain, the Civil War, and World Wars I and II were driven by motives involving rich Americans more or less seeking to improve themselves at the expenses of others. To me it seems that there is clearly a disparity between the promise and practice of democracy and capitalism in twentieth century America. For Zinn, the answer is the same as the question pretty much. America is a â€Å"cruel, slaveholder society whose goal isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Howard Zinn s A People s History Of The United States 2266 Words   |  10 Pagessettlers. After the Revolutionary War in the late 1700’s, matters only got worse for the Native Americans. Population was skyrocketing due to a great deal of immigration of white settlers in the early to mid 1800’s, and there wasn’t enough space for everyone. With this came expansion, and to reach the goals they had set out for it, the Native Americans had to go. A prime example of this is shown in Howard Zinn’s â€Å"A People’s History of the United States,† where in chapter seven he talks about the forcedRead MoreAn Analysis Of Howard Zinn s Chapter Four Of A History Of The United States1684 Words   |  7 PagesIn chapter four of A History of the United States by Howard Zinn, he explored the condition and state of the English colonies concerning the American Revolution. He implored on how the American Revolution successfully supplanted the tyrannical system of England with the same kind of tyranny. He continued expanding on all components of the American Revolution such as what led to the rebellion and dissatisfaction of the people and how after the American Revolution, nothing had really changed otherRead MoreThe Patriot s History Of The United States1589 Words   |  7 PagesAfter the Civil War, the United State began to experience an industrial growth that was unparalleled to any nation. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Analysis of The Tempest Essay Example For Students

Analysis of The Tempest Essay How does Shakespeare present the use and abuse of power in The Tempest? Comment on the use of language, ideas and stagecraft.  Elizabethan societys understanding of colonisation and natives is reflected in the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Elizabethans were very positive towards colonisation and the idea of usurpation, and were neither very knowledgeable when it came to global awareness and the feelings of others. Elizabethans viewed natives in a humorous way and this is what they wanted to see in their theatres entertainment and humour. The role of women in the Elizabethan era was very different compared to modern society today. Women were not allowed to perform on stage, therefore female roles were often played by young men, along side this, a lot of women were prostitutes. This role of women mirrored in Shakespeares plays; in which normally only consist of one female character. The female personalities in Shakespeares plays are distinctively repetitive and memorable, either soppy or light-hearted, a prostitute, or having an evil trait like Lady Macbeth. As for the theatre itself, they of course had no dramatic lighting or computerized sound effects; therefore, Shakespeare relied on his use of language and exaggerated stagecraft to represent emotion, tension, the concept of magic, humour and of course to create a lively atmosphere within the theatre.  During Shakespeares time period, as a lot of the planet was still being discovered, many rumours and stories were coming back from distant islands, with myths about the Cannibals of the Caribbean and faraway utopias. Shakespeare was inspired by this, and as a result, here sparked the monster-like character Caliban in The Tempest, whose name is roughly anagrammatic to cannibal. Shakespeare named the play in a very clever and metaphorical way; The Tempest, does not only define the turbulent magical storm at the introduction of the play, but reflects all of the chaos and confusion on the island, which is consistent throughout the play.  The chaos starts when a magician named Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, has his position usurped by his brother Antonio. Antonio sends Prospero and his young daughter Miranda to a faraway, but with the help of Gonzalo, Prospero was able to smuggle a couple of his books, which are the source of his magic, and also some food and water. When Prospero and Miranda arrived on the island, Prospero using his magic frees a captured spirit Ariel who was imprisoned for many years in a tree by an evil with named Sycorax, whom the island belonged to until she died and could not free Ariel. Ariel is very thankful to Prospero, and accepts to be Prosperos slave in return. However, Sycoraxs son Caliban still remains on the island. Prospero also takes on Caliban as his slave. Prospero and Miranda continued to survive on the island for twelve years. Prospero then orders Ariel to create a magical storm as a ship on its way to the wedding of Claribel (the daughter of Alonso, the King of Naples), and the Prince of Tunis in Africa.  Ariel makes sure that no one on the ship is hurt and brings all the ship passengers to the island, thus creating an atmosphere of chaos and tension by using short sharp lines at the start of the play.  To cabin. Silence! Trouble us not. Boatswain  An audience would have been mesmerised by this action on stage and enthralled at the idea of what might be about to happen. Our main character, Prospero, represents Shakespeares idea of the use and abuse of power. Everything that occurs on the island is controlled by Prospero and the use of magic.  Miranda meets Ferdinand, the Prince of Naples (the son of Alonso). It is the first man Miranda has seen other than Prospero and Caliban. Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love almost instantaneously. Prospero conjures a plan to make Ferdinand prove his love for Miranda.  They are both in eithers powers; but this swift business I must uneasy make, lest too light winning make the prize light. Prospero .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff , .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .postImageUrl , .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff , .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff:hover , .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff:visited , .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff:active { border:0!important; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff:active , .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u40ff154f1d69844ecc0d7ec9c91470ff:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Analysis Buffet Etiquette EssayHe accuses Ferdinand of merely pretending to be the Prince of Naples. Prospero makes Ferdinand work hard moving logs as a punishment. After proving to Prospero his love for Miranda, Ferdinand and Miranda decide to marry.  Elsewhere, Alonso is mourning over his son Ferdinand, who is thought to have drowned during the storm. Ariel was ordered a task to investigate and puts Alonso to sleep using magic to see what Alonsos brother Sebastian and Antonio have to say to each other.  Antonio ends up persuading Sebastian to kill his brother and make himself King of Naples.  Draw thy sword; one stroke shall free thee from the tribute which thou payest, and I the king shall love thee. Sebastian

Sunday, December 1, 2019

There are many ways in which M... free essay sample

There are many ways in which MPs can scrutinise the government, some of these are: voting on issues/legislation, membership of private select committees, and questioning the Prime Minister (PM) and other government ministers. All MPs are able to vote on a range of issues to either support or oppose the government, they can vote on whether to pass legislation through the series of readings in the Commons. If the majority of MPs disagree with the governments course of action they can vote against their legislation causing a defeat for the government. In December 2017 there was a backbench revolt of 11 tory MPs to defeat the government by backing an amendment to the EU withdrawal bill which would give parliament a meaningful vote on the final deal. However, it is rare and challenging to inflict a defeat on the government as it requires a backbench rebellion during majority/coalition governments. We will write a custom essay sample on There are many ways in which M or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is especially true in cases of a large majority as seen in 2001 where labour had a massive majority with 412 seats. This makes it very difficult for a large majority government to suffer a defeat in the Commons as it would require a massive backbench revolt which is unlikely, during Labours government in 2001-05 there were no government defeats in the Commons. Even if there is a small majority (or minority with backing from DUP in current government) the party whip system ensures that most bills are passed without too much opposition. Bills very important to the governments agenda may be given a three line party whip meaning there would be severe consequences to MPs who do not turn up/vote against the government on this occasion resulting in MPs rarely defying this. Although MPs have the power to hold the government to account by voting against them, it can be rare as it requires enough support both from within the government and the opposition which is especially difficult to achieve during strong majorities and a strong party whip system. MPs can be a member of select committees which is an opportunity to scrutinise the government as these committees check and report on various areas including the work of the government and economic affairs. These committees can be effective as they publicly question government work and policy especially since ministers can be forced to give evidence and the findings cannot be ignored as they require a government response. The independence of select committees was strengthened in 2010 as committee chairs are now selected by a secret ballot of all MPs and it is now backbenchers and not the party whip who select which MPs represent their party in select committees allowing MPs to more easily critique the govern ment even if it is their own party. Jeremy Hunt (Health and Social Care Minister) was questioned by the public health committee on the priorities of the government after his expanded title (previously just health minister) during a cabinet reshuffle. Since the number of MPs on each committee reflects the proportion of MPs from each party as a whole, it can be argued that committees are not intrusive and critical enough due to party loyalties causing many MP (especially those from the governments party) not to be completely free to question and investigate. Another restriction of select committees is the government is not required to take on any of the recommendations put forward by the committee, although a response is required no action is needed by the government to take the suggestions further. This was the case with the Environmental Audit committee which made recommendations for a 25p charge on single use coffee cups and for the government to have a target for all coffee cups to be recycled by 2023, however neither suggestion was adopted by the government. This shows that although public select committees in theory gives MPs the power to hold the government to account, there are many restrictions to their ability to do so as the make up of the committee reflects that of the Commons, so committees will have most of their members from the governments party restricting the level of scrutiny which would take place. And in the end, once the government has responded to the committees findings they are not required to take on their proposals. Another way MPs can hold the government to account is by questioning the PM and government ministers. Prime Minister Questions (PMQs) takes place every Wednesday for 30 minutes allowing the leader of the Opposition and other MPs to questio n the PM on a range of issues (their questions are pre-submitted and seen by the PM prior to PMQs). Ministers question time takes place Monday-Thursday in the chamber with a chosen minister each session to take questions from MPs. MPs can also submit written questions to Government Ministers to seek detailed answers – these are usually used when members truly want to be informed of the governments work on a particular issue rather than publicaly question them in an attempt to embarrass them (as is usually attempted in PMQs and Question Time). Although the questions are submitted beforehand, they are usually general and similar e.g. to ask the Prime Minister what engagements she has planned for the rest of the day allowing MPs who have the same question to ask a different un-seen question in an attempt to catch the PM out. The speaker of the house also has a very influential role as it is very competitive to ask due to the short session and they have the role on who to allow time to ask. This means that MPs may not get chosen often to speak and the speaker can favour certain members. Ministers can also give poor and vague responses to written questions or not reply at all as seen with Jeremy Hunt who was criticised in 2016 for only replying to 1 of 8 urgent questions asked of him by the house. In theory MPs are given great power to publicly scrutinise the government by questioning cabinet ministers but whether this actually allows them to hold them to account is less clear as it often turns into an attempt to score politi cal points.